On our way to a family of 5...

On our way to a family of 5...

Monday, January 31, 2011

21 weeks...down hill slope...

January 23, 2011

Baby Mendez is 21 weeks today, and about the size of a banana! This is according to the bump.com. WHOA …..WAIT…. did…someone say food.


.....well this is what I think of….. Yummy!!!!

Your baby now
weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. - http://www.babycenter.com/

Sunday, January 30, 2011

depressing experience ...Part 2

January 18th 2011.
Ok… so these past few days, my emotions have been in super overload! I mean, I watched the news and cried over the weather. I got in the shower, and cried because it was to cold, cried because I missed a phone call, cried because of a song, cried cried…and cried some more. It was over anything! Someone looked at me and I cried. This is a perfect day to find some pants! NNNOOOTTTTT
Maternity pants shopping day is off to a waterworks kinda day…..and no its not raining outside! I went to Tysons…did you know H&M sold maternity pants…not a lot, but they sell some. SCORE! I bought 2 pairs. As I was in the dressing room loving my new pants, bc I still have a good butt….I turn to the side…whoa! Where did they belly come from. Guess what happened then…………tears! You guessed it! Cried! Tears! But the great news is I have pants now! I am so super happy to have some comfy pants. I am sure ill have to get a different kind of pants depending on where my weight goes, but for now, my 2 comfy pants are good!
A maternity shirt also....im on a roll....

what a depressing experience.....

January 17th 2011
Ok, maybe this should be exciting to go shopping. Cause if you know me,…I love love love shopping!! But reality check…I found out I do not like maternity shopping! It was the worst experience eva! The pants were wide leg….and having a bit of a leg a don’t need it. Also loosing a bunch of weight before I got preggers, I want to show of my shape I found with my weight loss and my new curves from finally POPPING from the belly J I can say I now have a belly! I love my new belly!
I went to Montgomery mall, but packed! It was MLK jr day….oopppppss forgot! So everyone was at the mall. I managed to try on some. I found the belly band supports my boobs…sssoo not cool!

See it don’t come close to her boobs…but mine covers part of my bra! I have a small belly I guess. So I tried on some, found I am between a small and medium. The medium fit the tummy better but HUGE everywhere else. Make me look wide and like I have man parts… The small….a bit tight on my tummy. But they fit, but not comfy! Needless to say I broke down in the dressing room…once, twice, oh wait!! There was a third time!!! Maybe tomorrow I will try it again…Tyson’s, please be better to me!

Not a happy camper L L
Come on up and support my boobs here!!! Now can you see why I cried??? I wanted to look “skinny” so I trued sucking in my tummy…didn’t really help though.

AC Getaway weekend

I think I was 3 weeks Prego. No belly at all, I’m just slouching a bit…my shoes were to tall….ssshhhh  I even had a bit of a cold, so I was miserable, but we still had a great relaxing time.  We got to see Bob Sagat also :)  This was the weekend of October 6th 2010.

Ravens...or Redskins...its a debate!

Ravens game…
this little bundle will be a Ravens fan from what I am told! Well…ROB! We shall see about hat…just as long as this bundle of joy isn’t a Cowboys or Steelers fan! Very early on Prego here!
I might have just found out…
……It runs in the family!  GO Ravens
Nise and Abby…the best Ravens (or raisins as they say) Cheerleaders!!!

Now I am still a redskins fan....so dont let anything think different!  But i can also support Rob and the Ravens. 

Pre baby body

Pre - baby!….ill see you again! I swear!
Atlantic City, July 2010

Triathlon (MINI!!!) August 2010
Ill see you again pre baby body, but I'm looking forward to my new body :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I think I can make it official :)

Guess what!  As of today, I am 20 weeks 6 days pregnant!  This has been one amazing experience.  I found out pretty early, and kept it a secret for a bit...except from ANdrea.  She was on the phone as i was test taking.  Because I didnt believe it I took 7 tests and a blood test.  The DR came in and said you need to realize you are pregnant!!  CONGRATS!  Needless to say as happy as i was...i was shocked.  I didnt know it would happen this fast :) 

So some GFs talked me into becoming a blogger. Im not sure how well this will work, but we shall see.  So far....not well.  Im so confused and the colors are not right and i dont know how to fix it!  So..being as you know who you are...when I get frustrated with this...im calling to whine :)

To catch everyone up very fast...i met a wonderful man who I have known for a while.  He also has 2 twin girls Abby and Nise, short for Denise.  One day we woke up and ralized we were dating.  The phone calls got more and more frequent, more and more longer, and the text got later into the night.  One beer turned into two...well you know how it goes...we are dating.  We came home from an amazing trip in Hershey park, talking about our furtur and maybe one day adding to it.  We ate at Jerrys Subs for dinner...and i walked in...and ran straight to the bathroom to throw up...mad that i have the flu again. Didnt i just get over this a month ago???  Well telling my secret GF...uuummm..ANDREA :)  she talked me into test taking.  As i dropped the phone and screamed OMG there are lines....she is yelling...OMG you are going to be 9 months preggo at my wedding.  I was in shock!  But then a sense of happiness came over me..im going to be a mom!  Then i got scared...OMG im going to be a mom!!!

FF to today...i feel great and tomorrow is what should have beent he 20 week sonogram!  Long story!

Well baby Mendzand i are going to turn in for a wonderful evening of Desperate Housewives :)