On our way to a family of 5...

On our way to a family of 5...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 28

Mar 13, 2011

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open and close her eyes, which now sport lashes. This movement is more of a reflexive blink than a deliberate opening and closing, but it won't be long before she's batting those beauties at you.

A Great Bridal Shower, But a Trip to Remember!!!

March 12th
SSSOOO….it all started 2.5 years ago when auntie Andrea got engaged! Fast Forward to present day and I am driving to Wilmington to meet Dana so we can then go together to NJ for Andreas Bridal Shower J We are doing so well on time! We stop for gas…which this is totally important as we read further, and have a potty break! At this time we are about 10 minutes away J Then all the cars come to a stop, and move to the right to get off the highway….long story short, with all the rain, the highway flooded and it was shut down! It took us a lot of miles, a lot of headache, and lot of sitting through the same light, some delayed green signs, another bathroom break, which included a vanilla and chocolate milkshake, for us to reach Andrea’s house 4 hours later….ggggrrrr

Most importantly, we made it safe though, and have such a good story to tell later on!
The bridal shower was amazing! Andrea look fabulous! And it was nice to get dressed up, since Rob and I don’t do that often….well hardly ever. Though I like the thought of going casual, it is nice to be wined and dined once in a while in something a bit nicer than jeans and a sweater!

Saturday evening, we decided to hit the town! Being Prego, I get to be the DD all the time, which was amazing! I had a great time with my belly also!! We went to a nice dinner…a Japanese grill…..mmmmm And then headed home after…it was a long dinner! But we needed to get home since someone partied a bit to hard to fast….names shall remain nameless!! J J Once home, Baby Mendez put on a dancing show for everyone in my tummy! Moving from side to side, and doing all sorts of news fun tricks! What a funny kid already!!

Sunday came way to soon and we had to leave L BUT two weekends is the Norfolk Shower….sssooo game on!!!

Alyssa, Drcy, Andrea, Dana, Ashley S, Ashley R

Alyssa and Andrea

Ashley, Ashley , Dana

Ashley and Andrea

Darcy and Andrea

All of us!!!!

Abby and the baby

Mar 8th 2011Abby and I were laying in bed just he two of us hanging out. She was able to see the baby move and roll around a lot. She got a kick out of my tummy moving and rolling from side to side with the occasional kick. At this time, this kid likes to roll instead of kicking…which is ok, because there are some times when a foot meet my ribs and it is TOTALLY NOT COOL!!! What a painful feeling!!

Girls real birthday

March 7th, 2011
Happy Birthday girls!!! My girls are the BIG 5!!
Today was a pretty exciting day…cupcakes for school…dinner was steak, seafood, chicken, all kinds of good stuff!! The whole Mendez side was here enjoying dinner! We had a great time hanging out and eating a lot of food!
Happy birthday babies

Happy Birthday Girls!!

Mar 5th, 2011
What a fabulous day today!!! it’s the girls birthday party!! They are getting so big! Monday they will be 5, but today is the BIG party day!!! Today consisted of Rob and I going to bed at midnight last night because we were blowing up to many balloons…..then waking up at 6ish for breakfast, coffee, and then more setting up for the party!

Our backyard was transformed from a normal backyard into a Hello Kitty / Tangled DREAM kids party. This was done in a nice orderly fashion….then….the misting rain came! BOO! We thought it would pass, then at 12:45, the party is to start at 1...here comes something more than a mist, and we move it all inside!
The magician came inside and did a great show! HE even levitated one of the girls! Every kid was amazed by the show, even thought he music was a bit to loud! Once it was turned down, the kids enjoyed the show MUCH more! There were lots of tricks, laughing, and much enjoyment.

While the magician was entertaining, Rob and Uncle Willy dressed up as clowns an handed out cotton candy and popcorn. They had the best face painting ever! Thanks to Aunt Flo…

Aunt Flow is a face painter who came to do lots of face painting for the kids here. There were probably close to 30 here that day…A LOT of kids and parents! She did such a wonderful job and had many compliments by numerous people at the party and the other entertainers!

Next came the petting zoo…..HOW COOL. We had a HUGE bunny, a guinea pig, a goat that ate everything, a kissing lama, a large pony, a small pony, and some other small animals. Way to cool! The kids got a huge kick out of it.

During this time, we also had a balloon sculptor, trampoline, and a large moon bounce. Kids got some neat things from the balloon guy. After the petting zoo came the BIG EVENT! The princesses….Princess Rapunzel and Princess Belle. The came to wish Abby and Nise a Happy birthday and give them their cakes J The cakes were beautifully decorated and tasted VERY good!!!

Soon everything began to wind down…so sad. Parents were leaving, kids did not want to go and cried when they were forced to leave. Soon it was jus the family. We got some food real quick, and then the mischief began. Rob has done fireworks for their last few birthdays…and this year was not going to be any different. It was just the case of where do we do it….

There is a school behind us, and the guys thought that would be a good area. HOWEVER, some of the guys didn’t know where the house was at night and if the cops caught them, to run to an unknown destination with a bag full of fireworks was a lot…so what do any intelligent almost 40 year old men do…SHOOT FIREWORKS OFF OF THE ROOF….yes the house roof! Thank goodness my homeowners insurance is up to date J

Anyways we had a great show from the roof of our sunroom J However….and there is a Big however…remember the cop talk earlier???….well we walk inside and there is a ring at the door…guess who it is….the COPS! Thank goodness for a cool cop…he wanted to make sure everything was ok. Also to say he does not arrest girls who have their face painted and who shoot off fireworks. So they got off J

You should see how the evening ended…by this picture it was a VERY successful day!