On our way to a family of 5...

On our way to a family of 5...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sonogram day!!

Feb 23. 2011
I am fully convinced this baby is already a prince or a princess. Yes, we got all the measurements we wanted for the new sonogram J but without a little pushing and moving, etc. This baby did not want to cooperate in any way! The baby kept putting his hand over his face, turning away, not being a good baby J FYI, the difficult side comes form his daddy!!

Anyways, the girls went with me that day. They have been asking to see the baby and also asked if I would burp the baby out so they could see it….oh gosh girls, if it only worked that way, women would be so much happier!!! They were so good sitting watching the TV screen waiting patiently for the monitor to be turned around to see their new baby brother or sister. The lady doing the sonogram was fantastic! She pointed out everything to them, including the nose, face, eyes, cheeks, the baby swallowing, smiling, etc. I was very much intrigued. They didn’t want the appointment to stop at all. Abby kept asking the nurse to bring out the baby so she could hold her. Nise wanted me to burp it out to know if she was going to have a brother or a sister.

After the sonogram, the girls stayed with the lady to get stickers and have girls chat, and I went potty and weighted myself L L So far 10 pounds J I am happy with that, but I feel like it is a lot more than 10 pounds. I lost all tone to my body!!!

Once I came back we went into the room to meet the doctor. He was FANTASTIC!!! It was like I didn’t not exist, and the girls took center stage! But anything was better than the last doctor I had!

TO sum up our appointment, baby Mendez is in the 45th percentile for height and weight. This was good to hear, bc the doctors did not want a huge baby right from the get go. I am healthy and most importantly the baby is healthy.

Next appointment is the 28 week glucose test and a checkup. Counting down to the third trimester!!!

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