On our way to a family of 5...

On our way to a family of 5...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pregnancy Brain…is it real?? HHHHEEEELLLLLLZZZZZZ YES!!!

Ok, so as this pregnancy is getting further and further along, I am beginning to realize I am more and more forgetful. Know, I have always had that problem where my parents ask “be glad you head is screwed on right, because if it wasn’t you would loose it!” Now I am beginning to realize maybe there is some truth to that!

Example 1A few weeks ago I walk out to the garage to get in my car…well it wont start, bc I don’t have the keys! Well I walk back inside to get them, but cant remember why I am inside. So I walk back outside, again, cant start the car…gggrrr….ASHLEY!! Get it together! So back inside I go…well the bladder hit…so off to potty! At least I remembered that! Back to the car….ASHLY>>>>WTF!! No keys! So I am repeating keys, keys, keys, keys, keys, (you get the point!) as I walk back inside to the table to get my keys, ad finally get on my way…

Example 2I am cooking a pot roast…..mmm….looking forward to my new recipe. Yes I might be turning into a cook…why did I let Rob know that I can cook….some. (this example might change that!) I put the pot in the oven, timer dings, I pull it out with gloves! Put it on the stove, walk away. Come back to move it…oh crap! No gloves. I am reaching for it thinking don’t touch it….its HOT well I burnt my hand. I cried and couldn’t stop (hi again emotions! Long time no see, leave me alone again!!) BUT, rob was very happy…I didn’t drop the pot roast! But my hand ROB!!! Oh, well at least th pot roast is ok! Oh Rob

Example 3
I go to the doctors, I used to live close to there. How do I go the wrong way, and not realize it for over 2 miles. Nope, not a good song on the radio…just out in la la Prego land! So I am 15 minutes late to my appt.

Example 4
Target receipt….Ok how hard it is to loose a receipt. Well its pretty damn hard when it is in your hand. Then the phone rings…HELLO ANDREA! Lets gossip for almost 28 minutes. OK, target here we come to return. Nice convo with Andrea, ready to return. Ok, seriously…where int eh world is the receipt!!!!!!! Gggggrrrrrr….not in my hand…checked there! OH…seriously…look down…in my lap. Below the belly. Thanks baby Dez for hiding momma’s receipt…and the payback for worst mother has begun, and Baby Dez isn’t even here in the real world yet!!!!

I know there are so many more example, but these seem to be what pops into mind. I mean can I please get it together sometime soon! I feel like I am loosing it.

lost my mind!

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