On our way to a family of 5...

On our way to a family of 5...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sick +preggo+ashley = a whiney mess!!

February 7, 2011
So I was right, being around 3 sick people, you will most likely get sick. I think I can make it official, I am sick! Runny nose, tummy hurts, achy, ears hurt, etc…but the best part…from blowing my nose so much…wanna see what I look like…here comes a cute pic!!! 

So for now, all I want to do is sleep, but I cant seem to fall asleep and get comfy. So off to do another load of laundry J  Then maybe bed time.

P.S. Rob, this is a great time, no matter how sick I look to use the phrase "yes Dear, you look gorgeous"

Thank you hunny, you are so sweet!!!!

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